Project Life Cycle

  • The project commences with comprehensive meetings involving the client and key stakeholders, ensuring a thorough understanding of project requirements. To enhance the project's success, we recommend architects, designers, and engineers who possess the expertise and skills tailored to the your specific needs.

  • This collaborative stage sets the solid foundation for the project, as all parties come together, actively engaging in defining the scope of work and implementing the project goals. With a shared focus, we collectively embark on transforming concepts into actionable plans, ensuring a clear roadmap for project success.

  • Upon the client's selection of the recommended firms, we proceed with confirming documentation, defining long lead items, and initiating the mobilization of the construction team. This approach ensures efficient coordination, enabling us to streamline the project's progress and maintain momentum during the crucial early stages.

  • With meticulous planning and coordination now in motion, all the efforts invested up until this point transition into decisive action as our construction team brings the project to life. Throughout the construction process, regular weekly meetings foster effective communication among all stakeholders, enabling us to track progress, tackle challenges, and resolve any outstanding matters that arise.

  • During the final stages of the construction phase, Watchman coordinates the preparation of punch list items and conducts a thorough walkthrough to ensure all details meet the highest standards. Subsequently, we compile all closeout items from the construction team, packaging them and promptly delivering them to the client for a seamless project conclusion.